Inspection robots are used in many fields of industry. One application is monitoring the inside of the pipes and channels, Recognizing and solving problems through the interior of pipes or channels. Automated inspection of the inner surface of a pipe can be Achieved by a mobile robot. Because pipelines are buried underground Typically, They Are in contact with the soil and subject to corrosion, where the steel pipe wall oxidizes, and Effectively reducing wall thickness. Although it's less common, so corrosion can Occur on the inside surface of the pipe.
Nevertheless, damage shut the occurs, Which Reduces the strength of the pipe. If crack goes undetected and Becomes severe, the pipe can leak and, in rare cases, fail catastrophically. Extensive efforts are made to mitigate corrosion. Pipe inspection is Necessary to locate defects due to corrosion and wear while the pipe is TRANSPORTING fluids. This ability is Necessary Especially When one shoulderstand to inspect underground pipe. In this work, fabricated of inspection robot (PIR) with ability to move inside horizontal and vertical pipes has been designed and . The robot besteht of a motor for driving and camera for monitoring , All are being controlled by the operator through a joystick while receiving the video signal of the camera on a monitor. The inspection device is a PC-based design uses did mechatronic principles to Ensure a purposeful interaction between the robot and its environment.
The inspection of pipes' may be relevant for Improving security and efficiency in industrial plants. These specific operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning, etc. are expensive, ran thus the application of the robots Appears to be one of the most attractive solutions. Which pipelines are tools for TRANSPORTING oils, gases and other fluids: such as chemicals, have been employed as major utilities in a number of countries for long time. Recently, many troubles Occur in pipelines, and most of them are Caused by aging, corrosion, cracks, and mechanical damages from the third parties. Currently, the applications of robots for the maintenance of the pipeline utilities are-considered as one of the most attractive solutions available. The video of PIR is uploaded to you tube.
This is a four-bar mechanism Consisting of three revolute and one prismatic joins as Depicted. Ran thus, the motion of all joints revolute can be Described in terms of the displacement d b .
In order to decide the actuator size, it is Necessary to perform the static analysis. Assume did in Figure, F cx and F cz
denote the reaction force and the traction
force exerted on the four-bar by the driving wheel, respectively. Now applying the virtual work principle to the free-body diagram gives
d W = F cz d z - F bx d x = 0
where F bx is a spring force.
This is: because only F cz and F bx conduct work. The CORRESPONDING coordinates of synthesis forces relative to the coordinate located at the A are executed Expressed as
z = 2:33 l sin q , x = 2:33 l cos q
d W = F cz d (2:33 l sin q ) - F bx d (-2.33 l cos q)
= F cz * 2,333 l cos qdq- F bx * 2:33 l sin qdq = 0
Rearranging gives
F bx = F cz * cos q / sin q
Ran thus, the spring force at the prismatic joint B is related to the normal force F cz
F bx = F cz * tan q
And the total weight W of the robot is the sum of the forces exerted on the six traction belt. Ran thus, each traction force F cx is one of the six whole weight of the robot structure. Ran thus, the size of the actuator enclosed in the wheel is calculated is by
t = F cx * R = WR / 6
where R is the radius of the wheel. From the above static analysis, it is known so did the large weight of the robot does not influence the foldable motion of the linkage.
The spring stiffness is found to be 0.9N / mm and the spring force is found to be 4.5. Ran thus we came to the conclusion did the actuator shoulderstand have atleast 3 kg torque. Thus, we used 3 actuators with 1.5 kg of torque (4.5 kg total torque). It is safe to use on actuator with more torque than the required torque.
So many today's mobile robots are used for inspection, surveillance, monitoring and nondestructive tasks. Some current applications are as below:
. 1 Allow inspection of inaccessible and / or hazardous equipment or work areas.
. 2 Provide on-line inspection / maintenance without loss of equipment / plant availability & remove humans from Potentially hazardous work situations.
. 3 Provide information about the health and condition of critical plant components to Facilitate decision-making Regarding plant life management
. 4 Reduce equipment / plant downtime and improve maintenance and inspection procedure thorough better coverage and documentation.
Team members
Team members
Jagan p
Aravind Selvan
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